
Clutter is Not Welcome and Marie Kondo will Agree
Image with blue background and with icons for phone, books, pen, currency, callout and share icon
Clinic Management Apps| June 24, 2022

Ask the renowned tidying expert Marie Kondo on how to convert a cluttered space into a space for inspiration and focus and she might just recommend our app. We are kidding but we are positive that once she knows about us, she just might. 😊 But who likes clutter anyway … especially one that you, the busy clinician, can easily avoid – bulky files for patient records and associated papers. And with more years of clinical practice, the folders and files keep increasing and filling up your storage space. Even with magical hands of Marie Kondo, patient data is an important aspect of your practice and you may need to refer to it from time to time. How functional and aesthetically appealing would it be to have your shelves lined with some valuable and insightful books instead!

Sure you have computers that take care of this clutter. The advent of computers in professional places saved space by getting rid of too much paper and too many physical files. Software such as MS Office offered templates for CV or letters. Computers trumped typewriters because multiple copies of the same document could be printed repeatedly; mistakes (either of spelling or grammar) could be rectified; language could be improved; editing could be done with fewer hassles; and you could go back to any point of the document and rework that part. And of course, computers saved time.

Well, we are going to make your task way easier with our ClinSav app.

  • 24/7 access: The primary advantage of having ClinSav on your phone is that you carry those files with you at all places you are. If you need to access patient data at home or another clinic you are visiting, you get the data literally within a few taps on your phone or tablet.
  • Templates are wonderful: Templates for frequently used documents such as Medical Leave, specialist referral, disability update and more are available within a few taps with patient data filled in at requisite places. The option of editing helps to customize the letters as per the clinician’s requirement.
  • Be in sync with your assistants – whenever they enter patient data, the doctor can see and vice versa.
  • Easily tally your earnings at the end of your day and save time with a simple billing view of your daily appointments.
  • Save paper. Reduce printing of bill books, invoices, and records.

That’s just a glimpse of what we offer. Do remember that this is just the beginning – with time, we plan to add more templates and more useful services to the app. Keep watching this space.