
How to Judge a Clinic Management App to Safely Handle Your Precious Patient Data?
August 28, 2024 | Clinic Management Apps

Important Note: This blog has been written by humans in natural language and no AI tools were used to prepare this content.

I read a joke on the internet one day. A mommy tells her toddler son – “So Santa knows if you have been good or bad…” and her son replies back with – “Did Facebook sell my information to him?”

Information security is a big word today and a lot of companies (big or small) are dealing with the after-effects of ignoring data security safeguards with their systems quite dearly.

With renewed emphasis to ensure data security, many big firms are sensitizing their people with a culture towards securing their clients and customer data. Governments are coming up with increasing regulations to safeguard privacy and security of data across the board. These are welcome changes and extremely important as we progress towards an ever-increasing data-driven world order.

As a doctor handling huge amount of patient sensitive information daily, managing this information online can become a huge risk without limited or no data security safeguards. On top of this, landmark judgements by many countries on securing this data (HIPAA, CPA, GDPR…) has paved a way for companies to take this extremely seriously and ensure strict compliance (a big step in the right direction indeed).

With clinic management systems getting adopted by doctors in an ever-increasing manner, a lot of common security practices by well-known firms are already in-play. Some of these are…

  1. Securing Servers & Networks with Firewalls
  2. Securing Servers Physically and Limiting Access to Select Personnel
  3. Using Most Updated Anti-Virus Software
  4. Encrypted Databases and Interfaces
  5. Conducting Specific Trainings and Sensitization on Dealing with Customer Data
  6. Ensuring Layered Backups for Fail-Safe Restoration
  7. Having Detailed Procedures to Deal with Security Incidents and Daily Office Work
  8. Orderly and Controlled Disposal of Hardware, Software and Data

Apart from above, we went even further-on when ClinSav was first conceived to be the world’s best clinic management app! The birth of ClinSav itself has been on data-security as the primary requirement.

Hence, when you use ClinSav, apart from everything above on data security, we boast of some of the most amazing things we have done with data security. We went beyond…

  • ClinSav itself is built-from-scratch to work completely offline. Your data is NOT stored on our servers (without your express and explicit approval)!
  • An app built around “functional security”. We have many firsts with our app. Some of these are
    1. In-built access-only features that ensure your precious financial data can not be seen by anybody else till YOU give an approval.
    2. Auto logoffs and remote wipe-offs for your staff – These ensure you can have ultimate peace-of-mind. Only YOU can decide, who can see your patient data.